Protect your Microsoft 365 data from accidental or malicious deletion for FREE

Speak to us today and we can have your emails and files automatically backed-up in minutes and with no disruption.

For a limited period, we are also offering FREE 365 support worth £5 per user, per month

Office 365 Backup at Green Cloud Hosting
Office 365 Backup at Green Cloud Hosting

Did you know Microsoft doesn't fully backup your Microsoft 365?

Many people believe that data created and stored in the cloud does not need to be backed up. While Microsoft 365 is secure, Microsoft operates a shared responsibility model, meaning that they maintain their infrastructure but protecting your company data is your responsibility.  There’s only a 30-day retention period inbuilt into Office 365, and Microsoft SharePoint Online is only backed up every 12 hours, with just a 14-day retention period. When data is accidentally deleted or corrupted, you could face critical and significant losses to your business.

How we can help

There really is no cost for setting up your Backup with Green Cloud

 Your subscriptions and charges will remain unchanged.

We do all the work to set you up. Hassle free.

What you get:

Free M365 Support (worth £5 per user, per month):

Ready to get started?

Complete the form and lets get your Microsoft 365 Backed up properly. 

We’ve been providing award winning Backup services since 2011. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Green Cloud Hosting Microsoft partner network