Managed Security

Secure your systems and data with our award winning managed security for SMEs.

Green Cloud Hosting customers
Managed security services from Green Cloud

39% of SME’s were cyber attacked* in 2022 and the cost impact of this was, on average


*figures from

As cyber threats become more sophisticated and prevalent, it’s critical to ensure that your online presence is protected from hackers, malware, and other malicious actors.

Our team of expert security professionals offers a range of services to help safeguard your network and data plus monitor and defend against potential attacks.

Your problem

You’re not sure if your security can deal with the latest threats and worried your data and IT environment is exposed. 

How we can help

We provide a range of managed security services designed to provide you with complete peace of mind knowing your business is protected from the latest threats.

Security Monitoring

We continuously monitor your networks, systems, and data to detect security threats and vulnerabilities. This includes using tools such as intrusion detection and prevention systems, firewalls, and security information and event management (SIEM) systems.

Threat Detection and Response

We use advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify and respond to security threats in real-time. This includes investigating alerts, analysing data, and taking proactive measures to prevent further attacks.

Vulnerability Management

We identify and manage vulnerabilities in your systems and infrastructure. This includes regular vulnerability scans, patch management, and configuration management to minimize the risk of cyber attacks.

Security Policies and Controls

We develop and implement security policies and controls to protect your data and systems. This includes setting up access controls, password policies, and data encryption to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.


We can help you comply with industry regulations and standards such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR. This includes regular audits, assessments, and reporting to ensure that security measures are up to date and in line with industry standards.

Incident Response

We respond to security incidents, including containment, eradication, and recovery. This includes conducting forensics investigations, restoring systems, and ensuring business continuity in the event of a security breach.

Why us

Green Cloud has been delivering a range of managed security services since 2011 to help businesses protect their critical data and systems from cyber threats.

Award Winning

We’re a multi award winning Cloud company with over 300 happy customers


We have a team of security experts with in-depth knowledge and experience in managing security for cloud-based systems.

Proactive Approach

We takes a proactive approach to security by continuously monitoring and analysing security threats and vulnerabilities.


We’re is compliant with various industry security standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and SOC 2.


We know SMEs like you. We look after over 300 customers, mainly SME’s so we're best placed to understand your challenges and requirements.  

Email security

We use advanced filters and encryption to defend against phishing, spyware and every kind of malware.

Microsoft 365 security

Device, identity and access management, plus threat protection and security protection are just some of the ways we can help.

Network security

Managed firewalls, network monitoring, intrusion detection plus many other elements we implement ensure your network is like a fortress.

Security monitoring

24/7 monitoring of your network using a combination of leading technology and real humans proactively monitoring your network

Free Security Audit

We’ll conduct a comprehensive assessment which uses the NIST framework

We deliver you with a full report which shows you our findings, any breaches and weaknesses in your current set up.


Checks over 200 points of your network, hardware and existing security.


Identifies any gaps, email addresses, password exposed on the dark web plus much more.

We then provide you with recommendations on how to plug the gaps and improve your IT security to eliminate risk and provide total peace of mind.

Complete the form below to request a free security audit.