5 Ways Accountants Can Use the Cloud

Ways Accountants Can Use the Cloud

With a recent survey indicating that 67% of accountants prefer the cloud to traditional forms of bookkeeping, it seems that a migration online is only a matter of time for everyone in the industry.

Indeed, it’s quite likely that all accountants are already using the cloud to some extent, even if they’re not yet aware of it. From storing files in cloud-based applications like Dropbox to using online software such as Microsoft Office 365, cloud accounting is the new kid on the block that’s here to stay.

Here are five ways in which accountants can maximise their use of the cloud and take advantage of the many benefits it will offer to them and their clientele.

1)  Storage

By moving your operations online via a reliable cloud hosting provider, you’ll gain access to virtually unlimited storage capabilities for all your data. That means there is no longer any need to keep filing cabinets stuffed full of old receipts and invoices or tear your hair out when one has gone astray.

2)  Back-up

As well as freeing up physical storage space, storing records in the cloud also gives you complete peace of mind that they’re fully backed-up in case of accident or emergency. A fire, flood or other unforeseen circumstance could jeopardise hard copies or in-house computers and servers, but not cloud-based ones.

3)  Accessibility

With all data safely stored online, you’ll have the luxury of being able to access and amend it from any location and on any device, offering unprecedented flexibility in terms of working capabilities. You’ll also be able to liaise more easily, efficiently and directly with your clients to keep them happy.

4)  Security

One attractive advantage of cloud hosting providers is the level of security from cyber-criminals they offer. Given that their reputation is on the line, they’ll take every precaution possible to protect your data – which will reflect positively on you in the eyes of your client, as well.

5)  Scalability

Given that cloud accounting offers access to unlimited server power and storage space, you can rest assured that your online operations will grow and adapt effortlessly as your offline ones do. For small- and medium-sized business, this kind of affordable scalability can be worth its weight in gold.

Ready to get started?

Whether you want to store your files online or host accounting software in the cloud, Green Cloud Hosting can deliver the services you need. We are cloud experts, helping UK companies unlock the power of the cloud. Want to discuss the cloud options of your accountancy firm? Get in touch with our team on 0161 979 0691 or email info@greencloudhosting.co.uk.

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