51% of Accountants Say Cloud Software Improves Collaboration

Productive Accountants
When businesses hire an accountant, they don’t just want someone to keep track of their books. More and more nowadays, they want a business partner who can work with them and provide transparent updates about the state of their finances. The question is: how do you achieve this sort of seamless collaboration? The answer could be the cloud.  

Accountancy is evolving

Traditional accounting involved paper – and lots of it. Accountants and clients would need face to face meetings or lengthy phone calls to stay up to date. Over time, this evolved into countless Excel spreadsheets, which were slightly easier to be shared by email, but still left many clients feeling out of the loop. Nowadays, the power of cloud technology has taken that collaborative aspect to another level. With cloud software, clients and accountants can access the same data, spreadsheets and documents whenever they want. They can do so instantly, from any device. Best of all, with state-of-the-art tools and automation, cloud software also helps reduce mistakes when collaborating on projects.  

Improved collaboration, more loyalty

Last year, a survey by Tech Radar found that collaboration with clients was improved for 51% of accountants using cloud software. They also found that accountants using the cloud had better customer loyalty than those still using the likes of paper and spreadsheets. At a time when Making Tax Digital is high on the priority lists of most businesses, it seems only natural companies will want accountants that are embracing digital technology too.  

Stay ahead of the curve

If you’re looking to get the edge over your accounting competitors, cloud hosting can certainly help. Green Cloud Hosting’s hosted desktop for accountants removes the need for local servers, while hosting your favourite accounting software such as Sage, Docusoft or Iris. The result? Smooth running software, better productivity and improved collaboration with your clients. To find out more, get in touch with our team on 0161 979 0691 or email info@greencloudhosting.co.uk.

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