Cloud lesson No 1 for Startup’s, SME’s and SMB’s – Email

Walle-e holding broken wires

How can “the Cloud” help my business?

Lesson 1 – Basic example

The server in your office that “makes your emails work”…Well the Cloud ensures you still get your emails on all your devices (PC, Mobile, Tablet) and they are fully backed up without the server.

No more hardware costs, no more maintenance agreement, no more down time!

Quick take aways from this lesson…

1. When is your server due for replacement?
2. How much will that cost you plus the installation fee?
3. How much do you pay on maintaining it each month?
4. How much downtime have you had in the last year?
6. How are your emails backed up? Do you have to run the backup yourself and take a “tape” home each night?
7. When do you have to update your licence?

Lesson 2 next week…Your PC desktop
For people that want to know more about the email service we mentioned…This is called Hosted Exchange 2010. Your email anywhere and email is always available. No email downtime!

Take a look under the tab Cloud Computing for more info or as ever…..Call us 0800 019 3878

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