Cloud Security: Public or Private, It’s Getting Better


Cloud Security: Public or Private, It’s Getting Better

Cloud Security: Public or Private it’s the tale as old as time: manifold businesses and organizations hesitate to relocate their most important cloud programs from their private data centres into the more spacious public cloud sphere, out of fear that they’ll jeopardize security and protection in the move. Often times articles will endeavor to rewire these professionals’ thinking about the public cloud, enlighten them to the advantages of making that switch and its potential assets to an enterprise. Yet this article seeks to — gasp! — work with private cloud stalwarts, as well as public cloud champions, on their own terms. For no matter which you feel more comfortable with, security measures have been vastly ameliorated and made more flexible by innovations in one important cloud process: automated functionality.
The majority of security issues in the cloud are understandably generated by some human foible. If cloud systems simply employed a much larger array of automated capacities, such as in regards to the orientation and structure of servers, security would therefore be mightily improved as a consequence. Such a focus on automating the system streamlines operational costs, preempts abnormalities that may encourage a security issue, and heightens enterprises’ practical nimbleness. Obviously not every cloud enterprise will gel seamlessly with every automated server available. However, investing work into locating the ideal match could result in an optimal realignment and maintenance of the operating system, database, and myriad other essential components.
And such meticulous attention to the state of one’s cloud system, with a focus on economizing, can translate into improved data protection. Conducting a full scale assessment of the cloud applications run in an operating system and ensuring that what is on the computers matches what is on the official bookkeeping records can improve a cloud-savvy enterprise at least twofold. Not only would this exercise (greatly facilitated by an asset discovery program or tool) will either prevent or forestall duplication and obsolescence of applications, but it would also provide security personnel with a tighter grasp on the applications and services that require attention to protection measures.
No panacea yet exists to cure every cloud enterprise’s concern with security. Admittedly, keeping track of the latest in protection possibilities in cloud is an almost-full time endeavour.  However, our rightful fixation on the security conversation continues to inspire companies to take a chance and enter the fray. The more organizations who trust their applications to run in the cloud, the sooner concern over protection will be match with smoother cloud management tools and services.
This is a great piece on Cloud Security originally by Jeff Norman taken from Cloud tweaks and can be found here

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