Green Cloud Hosting Just Turned Five!

Slices of Birthday cake and birthday hats spread across a table

In case you missed it, Green Cloud Hosting just turned five! All of the team here at Green Cloud HQ have been celebrating our birthday in style (there may or may not have been a few balloons involved).

It’s fair to say that the past five years have been action packed. Green Cloud has grown so much as a company during this time and we’ve all really enjoyed the ride so far. We thought it would be great to take a look back at the highlights of the last five years and share them with you all. Enjoy!

2011: The Green Light

Kamran founded Green Cloud Hosting in 2011, following a successful 15-year career in the telecoms industry. “I just wanted to do something for myself, build up a business from scratch and spread the message about cloud computing benefits,” Kamran explained to a local newspaper at the time.

2012: Bigger and Brighter

2012 was a big year for us. Green Cloud Hosting was accepted onto the Crown Commercial Service Framework to provide cloud services to the public sector. This led to our first public sector customer for Hosted Exchange and Hosted Lync – now called Skype for Business.

The same year, the company doubled its turnover and we moved into larger offices in Manchester.

2013: G is for Growth

As the company continued to grow rapidly, we were able to tailor our services more specifically to SME businesses and the public sector. This move proved hugely successful for us and Kamran featured in the RBS Business Sense magazine and The Guardian. For anyone interested in how cloud technology benefits small businesses, The Guardian piece is a great read.

2014: Going from Strength to Strength

2014 was yet another phenomenal year for Green Cloud. The company’s turnover increased by 50% and we were also incredibly proud to gain Bury Council as a client.

2015: The Cloud Service Provider of Choice

Further growth allowed us to take on more staff to oversee the exciting changes within the company.
Green Cloud also sponsored Bury Cancer Support Centre shirts for the Great Manchester Run, a charity very close to Kamran’s heart.

After four years of trading, all of our hard work was paying off as we became widely recognised as one of the UK’s leading cloud service providers for SMEs.

2016: Extra, Extra, Read All About It

2016 began with a bang, as Green Cloud Hosting beat off incredibly stiff competition to land a huge £200K contract with the NHS. As news spread and other NHS authorities began initiating discussions with Green Cloud, we got an incredible amount of PR coverage and we were featured in lots of publications, including the Manchester Evening News, B Daily and Huddled.

What’s next?

Kamran is determined to continue to help businesses embrace cloud-based solutions. “This is a real milestone for our company,” he explained. “We have managed to find our feet, and more importantly, find our place in the market.

“We believe that all companies, regardless of size, should have access to up to date technology,” he added. “At Green Cloud we cut through all the technical jargon and provide rapid, reliable and secure solutions to help our customers work smarter and more effectively. I look forward to see what the next five years has to offer.”

Here’s to the next five years!

What a great five years it has been for everyone here at Green Cloud Hosting, here’s to another five years of growth and adventure!

Work with Green Cloud Hosting

At Green Cloud Hosting, we specialise in secure and affordable tailored Hosted Desktop, Hosted Exchange and Online Backup services. For more information, give us a call today on 0161 979 0691. Alternatively, email and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

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