Hosted Desktop – Top 3 reasons to consider

Desktop Word Cloud

Hosted Desktop – Top 3 reasons from customer feedback

With Hosted Desktop requirements on the rise we just popped together 3 simple reasons to consider a Hosted Desktop. We know there are many other reasons however these are the top 3 that our customers mention when we follow up user experience after a month of use.

1. Mobility
Users can access to their Hosted Desktop  from anywhere and using any internet connected device. This provides users with the flexibility to work from wherever they are and on any preferred device  thus making the issue of dealing with multiple devices much easier.

2. Security
With a Hosted Desktop a business doesn’t need to worry about the security of business documents as firstly they are all securely stored with a UK data-centre and secondly as documents are not stored on the local device, only accessed, no critical business data will fall into the wrong hands should the device get lost or stolen

3. Disaster Recovery
If disaster strikes at the mail UK data-centre, the service is triple hosted meaning that the service will automatically fail over to the next available data-centre. This not only provides you with peace of mind that your service will always be available but also that should you lose or break a local machines your data is still save and backed up in the Cloud.

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