The G Cloud – Government Procurement Services

What is the G Cloud?
The G-Cloud Programme is a cross government initiative led by Andy Nelson (Ministry of Justice) supported by Denise McDonagh (Home Office) under the direction of the Chief Information Officer Delivery Board as part of the Government ICT strategy.The government G-Cloud strategy has an initial focus is on introducing cloud ICT services into government departments, local authorities and the wider public sector and has made contracting simpler and more transparent.

The Government Procurement Service created the G-Cloud procurement framework for services and comes under the OJEU process. These services can then be viewed and procured through the G Cloud CloudStore. There are 4 categories of services which are available on the G Cloud: Infrastructure, Software, Platform and Specialist Services. The G Cloud CloudStore provides everything relating to the programme.

To find out more information on the services we provide through the G Cloud framework please get in touch or visit our product are here

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