Top 6 SME IT problems (And how we solve them)

All in 1 IT services from Green Cloud Hosting

Here’s the Top 6 SME IT problems and more importantly, how you solve them. Read on…

Problem 1 – IT Support

You either don’t have IT support or use a support company that just isn’t cutting it or is as supportive as you need

Solution – Unlimited remote IT support with a 3 ring policy, helpful, friendly and hungry staff. We get the basics right.
Offer – First month FREE and then £15 per month.
The feeling – You feel confident and comfortable that if anything goes wrong, you have a team of experts to fix it ASAP

Problem 2 – Microsoft 365 backup and security 

You use Microsoft 365 but you keep hearing online that it only provides a basic backup and isn’t as compliant or secure as you thought for your industry

Solution – Full back up and security of everything within Microsoft 365
Offer – First month FREE and then from £2 per month
The feeling – I’m feel confident i’m backed up and compliant

Problem 3 – Cyber security

You know you’re not as secure as you need to be, you worry about the increase in cyber attacks, compliance and the impact an attack will have on your business.

Solution – A free Cyber security review and dark web scan checking over 100 key areas of your network and then secured with our ultimate security software and monitoring across your network
Offer – First month FREE and then from £40 per month (based on 10 users and 1 server)
The feeling – My cyber security is being looked after by experts and using the best security products. I feel confident its secure.

Problem 4 – Backup of your IT system

You’re not sure things are being backed up properly in your business and may still use an old onsite solution

Solution – Online backup of your files, servers, Microsoft 365 and everything else
Offer – First month FREE then from £12.99 per month
The feeling – I feel confident I’m backed up and protected

Problem 5 – Old Phone system and the “Big switch off” in 2025 

You keep hearing about the “big switch off” of old phone lines, you have an old phone system and need to make a change at some point soon. You also want a modern, easy to use system.

Solution – Hosted Voice gives you voice, video, conf calling, voicemail and everything you need with no expensive upfront cost.
Offer – First month FREE and then £14.99 per month with unlimited free calls
The feeling – I’m future proofed from the big switch off and now have a modern system for a predictable monthly cost

Problem 6 – Your IT hardware is old and unreliable, it needs replacing but sounds expensive

Your IT hardware is old and tired, constant issues and failures. It needs upgrading but sounds costly. All you want is a secure, quick, reliable IT system so you can get on with your day to day job in confidence. Predictable costs would be nice too.

Solution – Virtual Desktops. They remove the need for servers and expensive IT hardware. We put everything you need into the cloud and all you do is log on and work as normal. Your IT is secure, backed up, and super reliable to access from anywhere, on any device.  All you now need is a laptop, desktop or table to work. Nothing else is needed
Offer – First month is FREE and then from £19.99 per month
The feeling – I feel happy I now have a rapid, reliable, secure and supported IT system that has a predictable monthly cost. I have no expensive servers or hardware to update or replace anymore and it’s always the latest technology.

Thats our top 6 IT problems guide, let us know if you can relate to them. If you need help with any of these Top 6 IT problems, please give us a call or take a look here for further reading 

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