5 Great Productivity Hacks for Busy Business Owners

Business man

Running a business isn’t easy – it takes hard work, determination and a lot of focus. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, sometimes getting everything done on time can seem like an impossible task. So what’s the solution?
Finding ways to improve your productivity, both inside and outside of work, can make a huge difference to your workload. Perhaps you’re struggling to get home on time to put the kids to bed or you find you’re so busy dealing with paperwork that you haven’t got the time to look at the bigger picture – growing your business. No matter what you’re struggling with, these productivity hacks will help you make the most of your time.

1: Prioritise

Starting the day with a ‘to-do’ list as long as your arm is both overwhelming and unhelpful. Take a good look at the tasks you’ve set yourself and be realistic. What absolutely must be done today and what is less time sensitive? Prioritising your tasks in this way will help you set more manageable, achievable goals.

2: Get outside

It’s incredible what fresh air can do to improve your mood and motivation so try not to stay cooped up in your office all day. Getting outside for a 20 minute walk on your lunchbreak can go a long way towards helping you have a more productive day. Also, don’t forget to move around during the day too. Sitting for hours without a break leads to tired, achy muscles and a tired brain.

3: Structure meetings

Your time is valuable – make the most of it. Need to gather the team to discuss the month ahead? Meeting a client for a consultation? No matter when or where you schedule meetings, make sure you go into them with a clear structure in place. It’s all too easy to get caught up in unproductive small talk. Make a list of the key points you need to discuss and stick to it.

4: Embrace technology

Apps and software can help you plan, organise and complete your tasks more efficiently. From notetaking and collaborative task management tools to hosted desktops and online accounting tools – there’s great tech out there to help with virtually any task.

5: Don’t be a slave to emails

With our work and personal emails now easily accessible from a range of devices, not just our desktops, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the ‘checking cycle’. This is when you reflexively check for emails between tasks throughout the day and into the evening. Don’t let your emails rule you. Regain control by setting three of four designated ‘email slots’ throughout your working day and only check emails during this time. You’ll get a lot more done.

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