Hosted Lync Server – What’s it all about?

Ok ok ok… we keep going on about our offering of a Hosted Lync Server solution because we’re in love with it but the question on everyones lips is…What can it do for my business?

Well..first of all this product is a single interface on your computer or mobile device and from this it brings voice, instant messaging (IM), audio, video, and web conferencing all together in one place.

So its one little box on your screen and from this you can simply click on an action of what you want to do whether that be make a call, Video with a colleague to discuss a project or simply instant message Bob in accounts and ask him if he’s ready to go to lunch plus much much more. You can do cool things like search for people within your business based on skill set, expertise and group info. You can also see if Bob in accounts has gone to lunch without you simply from looking at his name and seeing his status (green for available etc). How about 2 people in different offices wanting to both check out a document and make amends to it while on a video call….yes you can do this too!!  You can also share documents, presentations, slides, and use visual pointers for more effective discussions via instant messaging and online meetings. Plus it integrates with Outlook so you can schedule meetings from Outlook and join via the PC, phone, or web access.

OK so you get the picture that using a Hosted Lync Server is a very cool product, but what does this do for the company?

Increases productivity, reduces costs on communication and travelling plus provides flexible working for employees
With a Hosted Lync Server there’s no expensive servers or kit to buy.

We provide all this on a per user per month basis. Only have 2 employees? No probs just take 2 users of it and your away. On the flip side of this if you are a company with 1000’s of employees worldwide then the same applies!

Get in touch with our team and ask for a free trial Tel 0800 019 3878

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