Business Owners Can Reduce Stress with Cloud Technology

Man holding up tablet screens in front of cloudy sky

Building a business from the ground up can be infinitely rewarding, but it’s not all fun and games. Unfortunately, running a business – whether it’s small or large – can result in elevated levels of stress.

In fact, according to a study from employee wellbeing consultancy Health Assured, over two thirds of small business owners maintain that it’s more stressful to run a business now than ever before. Over the past few years stress levels have gradually risen to 71%, up from 66% in 2013 and 65% in 2012. Boutique accounting business Crunch delved deeper into the issue, and found that one in three SME owners hit the bottle to deal with stress. It’s a serious issue, that shouldn’t be taken lightly. In the long term, the effects of stress can be toxic.

So as an industrious small business owner, how can you keep your stress levels in check?

One way could be the cloud. The cloud technology movement has swept the globe, streamlining back office operations for businesses of all shapes and sizes. From Google, Apple and the NHS to the hardware store down the street, you can bet that all savvy business owners are embracing cloud technology and everything its stands for.
So what are the benefits? Here’s three perks to get you started…

  1. Crisis control

With cloud hosting up your sleeve, you don’t have to stay hung up on what would happen if an entire office system was to crash or hardware was lost, stolen or even damaged. Instead, you’ll enjoy the total peace of mind that every record, document and even any sensitive customer information is 100% safe, secure and accessible. And you can even ensure everything in the cloud is backed up in multiple locations, just to be safe.

  1. Stay connected, on the go

Unfortunately, owning and running a small business doesn’t always align with a work free weekend, a getaway or even life in general. On the contrary, Crunch confirmed that 89% of SME owners admit to working while on holiday.
It’s a responsibility that most entrepreneurs encounter at some point in their venture, and when it arises having cloud technology onside is a godsend. Rather than rely on access to physical computers and software, the cloud elevates all data to the next level. Whether in the office or on a deckchair, small business owners can access information from anywhere with an internet connection. Bar holidaying in the Amazon, users can enjoy constant connectivity.

Imagine you are whisked away to an urgent meeting with a potential client, stuck in an airport due to delays or even looking after a sick family member. All of the stress you previously encountered is gone. Cloud adopters can still access their documents, presentations, finances, e-mails and desktop through any computer or mobile device. Sounds nice, right?

  1. Monitor expenses in real time

Most SME business owners are happiest when they feel in control, which is why the ability to monitor business finances in real-time is hugely appealing. When migrated to the cloud, accounting systems can be connected to bank accounts, credit cards and payment systems.

This holistic approach ensures that nothing slipes through the net. For example, if an unauthorised or unexpected expense is incurred, cloud accounting software empowers business owners with the intel to identify rogue transactions or expenses, as they happen.

Head in the Green Cloud
Forget massages, retreats and meditation. If you want to treat yourself to de-stress, look no further than the calming power of the cloud. For more information, give Green Cloud’s friendly team a call today on 0161-979-0691 or e mail Whether you want to hosted desktop, hosted Microsoft Exchange e-mails or even online backup solutions, we can help build a tailored solution that fits with your requirements.

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