Why Your Business Should Trial Virtual Desktops for Free

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Looking for a free Virtual Desktop trial?

At Green Cloud Hosting, we believe that every business should be able to test our Virtual Desktop service for free before signing up.

Why? We’re confident that once your 14-day free trial is over, you’ll be a Virtual Desktop convert.

After all, going to the office no longer means being tied to a desk for 8 hours a day. Instead, Virtual Desktops make the world your office.

Whether you choose to work from the top of a mountain, on a yacht in the middle of the ocean, or from the home office in your back garden, Virtual Desktops make it possible.

As long as you have an internet connection you’ll be able to access your business files and data anytime, anywhere, and on any device. You’ll even be able to integrate your existing business apps, like QuickBooks, Microsoft Office and Sage.

If you’re on the fence about whether to make the switch to a Virtual Desktop environment, keep reading. Here are 11 reasons why you should sign up to our FREE Virtual Desktop trial.

1. Get a feel for the virtual environment

If you’re new to Cloud computing, the thought of switching from a traditional IT setup to a Virtual Desktop environment might seem daunting. That’s understandable. However, if you want to reap the benefits of Cloud computing, signing up to a free Virtual Desktop trial is a great way to do explore the benefits of doing business in the Cloud.

Help your business get on a level playing field with your larger competitors and find out why 92% of companies believe that adopting Cloud technology is crucial to long-term success.

2. Assess your needs

It isn’t always possible to know how well a service will meet your needs without first giving it a trial. No matter how many service benefits you read or how thorough your research, sometimes the best way to find out about a service or software is to give it a go for yourself.

When you sign up for a free Virtual Desktop trial, you will have plenty of time to explore the ins and outs of the service. Whilst you’re doing this, make sure you keep a record of how well the service meets your needs. Is the service fast enough? Reliable enough?

3. Get a head start

A free trial will allow you to arm yourself with all the knowledge you need to make a successful transfer to a Virtual Desktop environment. Any questions or queries you have about the software can be answered by your service provider. You’ll quickly find out which software package will best suit your needs, and you will be able to iron out any kinks before transferring all of your staff members onto the same system.

4. Simplify your IT setup

What does your business IT setup look like? Depending on the size of your business, you may be supporting several large outdated servers and dozens of unnecessary desktops.

Virtual Desktops utilise Cloud technology to connect you, your staff and your clients seamlessly. Because your data is stored in external data storage centres, you won’t have to support or store unnecessary equipment in your offices.

5. Explore the benefits

The best way to learn about the Virtual Desktop environment is to get stuck in and explore for yourself. At Green Cloud Hosting, we give everyone access to a completely free 14-day Virtual Desktop trial. Why? We believe that the best way to explore the benefits of our services is to try them out in real life.

Forget statistics and case studies for a moment, try out our Virtual Desktop service for two weeks and discover the many benefits of Cloud computing for yourself. We promise you won’t regret it.

6. Evaluate the customer support service

Where your business is concerned, great customer service is a non-negotiable. After all, an IT failure could lead to your business losing thousands of pounds if it isn’t addressed quickly.

Signing up to a free Virtual Desktop trial will give you the opportunity to put a service provider’s customer support to the test before you make the switch. Use your free trial to find out how quickly your problems are addressed and how helpful the provider is when faced with questions and queries from you and your team.

7. Find the best provider for you

Every business is different, and when it comes to Cloud hosting service providers, one size certainly doesn’t fit all. If you want to ensure your eventual transition to a Virtual Desktop environment is a smooth and seamless as possible, take the time to research several different Cloud hosting providers.

An experienced Virtual Desktop provider will always take the time to get to know your business and understand what you need from the service. If a provider tries to rush you into signing up to their service without offering a free trial first, you should see this as a red flag and walk away.

8. Flag service issues

If there are issues with a Virtual Desktop service it’s much better to find out sooner rather than later. A free trial will allow you to flag potential service issues before you have invested all your time and energy into making the switch.

9. Transfer to the Cloud with confidence

If you’re not confident that a Virtual Desktop is right for your business, a free trial will give you the opportunity to find out whether it will truly work for you. You’ll then be able to transfer to a Virtual Desktop setup with confidence.

10. Save money

Why invest in a Virtual Desktop subscription without knowing if it will suit your needs? If it does, that’s great, but if it doesn’t then you’ll have wasted money. Save money by trying a Virtual Desktop trial for free first.

11. Increase security

One of the biggest technology challenges facing small businesses is the increased risk of cyber-attacks. Figures from Get Safe Online and Action Fraud reveal that British businesses lost over £1bn to online crime between March 2015 and March 2016. If you don’t want your business to become a statistic, it’s time to take action and take steps to improve your cyber security.

A free Virtual Desktop trial will likely highlight to you one of the biggest benefits of the service – increased online security. Until you trial the service for yourself, it’s hard to imagine quite how vulnerable your business data was before. After just 14 days of using our service, you won’t be able to imagine your business without it.

Sign up for your free Virtual Desktop trial today

Signing up for a FREE 14-day Virtual Desktop trial with Green Cloud Hosting is easy. Just complete this short online form or give our team a call on 0161 979 0691 and we’ll get you started. What are you waiting for? Embrace rapid, reliable and secure Cloud hosting services from Green Cloud and open up a whole new world of possibilities for your business in 2017.

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