Why Every Legal Firm Should Automate Disaster Recovery


Has your law firm got a data backup and disaster recovery plan in place? If not, your business could be at risk. From natural disasters to faulty software and cyber criminals – there are many ways your IT processes can be adversely affected and prevent your business from operating.

Think your small business isn’t at risk from cyber criminals? Think again. It is estimated that 43% of phishing attacks in 2015 were carried out against small businesses.

In this post, we’ll outline a few keys reasons why every legal firm should automate disaster recovery in order to safeguard future earnings and highly confidential data.

  • Downtime is costly: Any loss of access to client data that results from downtime will have a significant impact on your firm’s ability to work on cases. Downtime will also result in a significant loss of hourly and daily income.
  • Continuity is key: If the unexpected happens and your equipment fails, or you experience a data breach, you need to be able to bounce back as quickly as possible.
  • Keep client data secure: You store a significant amount of confidential data. How would your clients feel should this information get into the wrong hands or get lost? Having an automated disaster recovery plan in place will help your firm avoid embarrassing data losses that could seriously damage your firm’s reputation.
  • Clients won’t wait: Without a data backup or disaster recovery plan in place, it can take months to get back on track after a natural disaster or serious technical malfunction. During this time, your firm could lose vital clients.
  • Protection from cyber attacks: Many cyber criminals see small businesses as an easy target. Why? Many fail to take the threat of a security breach seriously. Don’t let your legal firm become vulnerable to cyber attacks. Limit the damage of a cyber attack by making sure your data is backed up and that you have a disaster recovery plan in place.

Secure your data with Green Cloud Hosting

Does your legal firm have a disaster recovery plan in place? At Green Cloud Hosting, our Online Backup Plans can be tailored to suit your needs. All data is safe, secure and triple hosted in UK-only ISO 27001 datacentres, and we use 2048 Bit SSL certificated to guarantee that your data is unreadable to everyone but you. Begin your free, no obligation 14-day trial today.

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