SMEs: Troubleshoot IT Problems Faster with These Top Tips

Two Businessmen at Computer

Why is it that IT problems tend to crop up during the busiest times of the year? All year long everything runs smoothly, and then just as the winter rush kicks in, your trusty old desktop dies. No power, no data – no sales. Your business comes screeching to a sudden halt and you’re left wishing you had upgraded your software years ago.
If you want to avoid costly downtime and ensure that your business data is safe, secure and accessible at all times – keep reading. We’ve put together a few tips designed to make troubleshooting IT problems faster and easier than ever.

Have a plan

Every business needs a data backup and disaster recovery plan. Sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? But you would be amazed at the number of small businesses that fail to invest in the security of their data. For the unlucky few who do suffer IT issues and subsequently lose their data, getting their businesses up and running again is a serious uphill battle – and one that many businesses simply can’t climb.

Move to the Cloud

Cloud-based hosting solutions have come on leaps and bounds in recent years. One thing is for sure – they’re more affordable than ever. There’s really no reason why your business should rely on one desktop computer or an outdated server. When your data is in the Cloud, it doesn’t matter what happens to your physical desktop, you’ll always be able to access your files.

Choose a trusted hosting provider

Ready to make your data secure and help your business work faster and smarter? When you’re looking for a hosting provider, you should take the time to do thorough research to ensure that they are the best possible fit. After all, every company has different needs. You don’t want to be left with a package that can’t adapt to suit your requirements. Unsure what you should look for? Here’s a list of 10 crucial questions to ask before you choose a Desktop Hosting provider.

Rapid. Reliable. Secure

Has your business lost revenue because of unreliable software? Don’t let IT problems hold your business back. Make the switch to a cloud hosted desktop with Green Cloud Hosting. We support UK SMEs with 24/7 technical support, direct from the UK. For more information, call 0161 979 0691 or email We’re looking forward to helping you.

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