Introduce Remote Working for Your Accounting Firm

Working at a laptop at home

Giving workers the freedom to work remotely has many benefits for accounting firms.  Offering key members of staff the freedom and flexibility to work remotely has been shown to increase staff retention, improve productivity and boost staff morale. In this post, we’ll share a few top tips to help you introduce remote working correctly for your team.

Invest in cloud solutions

If you would like to give your staff members the freedom and flexibility to work remotely, investing in online and cloud-based solutions is a must. Here’s why:

  • Freedom and flexibility: Is outdated hardware holding your firm back? Cloud-based technology can give your accounting team the ability to work and communicate from any location in the world.
  • Efficiency: Cloud accounting software, like Xero, is helping hundreds of thousands of accounting firms streamline their bookkeeping procedures. With key data available at the touch of a button, can your company really afford not to take advantage of the cloud?
  • Real-time financials: Cloud-based accounting software offers your team quick, easy access to each client’s latest data. Not only does this mean much more reliable reports, but your team members can always be certain they are offering clients advice based on 100% accurate information.

With the cloud on your side, you won’t have to worry about out-of-date client information or lost invoices; everything your team needs will be easily accessible from their desktop, laptop or mobile. Best of all, cloud-based solutions don’t require your firm’s investment in hardware and servers, you simply arrange a package with your chosen cloud-based solutions service provider and pay for their services as you go.

Thinking of introducing remote working in your practice? Here are a couple of key affordable cloud-based solutions your firm should try:

  • Hosted Desktop: Hosted Desktop services make it possible for your entire team to access the ‘office hub’ from anywhere. Employees can access up-to-date information and company files at any time, so your team will always be on the same page.
  • Hosted Exchange: Cost-effective, simple and secure: Hosted Exchange services are incredibly popular because they make remote team management and collaboration effortless. With access to emails, client information and calendars, every member of your team will be able to connect and communicate without difficulty.

Safe and secure

When you say goodbye to your hard drives and servers, you’re not saying goodbye to security. Far from it. Not only do Hosted Desktop and Hosted Exchange services allow you to keep your data, applications and emails supported and accessible for your entire team, but they’ll also keep your data protected with super-secure hardware and failsafe SSL encryption.

Get in the Green Cloud

If you are ready to embrace remote working in your practice, get in touch with the team at Green Cloud Hosting. We specialise in tailored Hosted Desktop, Hosted Exchange and Online Backup services for UK SMEs. For more information, give our friendly team a call today on 0161 979 0691 or email us at

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