What’s the Future of IT for Accountants?

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In recent years, new technology has brought about a complete transformation in the way businesses manage their accounts. The result? Accountancy firms are faced with two choices: keep up or fall behind. In this post, we’ll look at one of the biggest game-changers in recent years – cloud computing.

A new breed of businesses

If you still only think of cloud computing as a way to store data online, think again. The power of the cloud has come on leaps and bounds. And as a result, we’re seeing the rise of a new breed of businesses made possible by the incredible flexibility and adaptability of this ‘anytime, anywhere’ technology.

Perfect for accountants

The benefits for accountants are clear. Cloud technology has made it far easier for accountants to provide real-time, informed advice and financial guidance to their clients. Not only can accountants now use software to log in and check key financials for clients with just a few clicks, collating and analysing this data is now easier than ever before thanks to an extensive ecosystem of cloud-based apps and tools.

Bringing the team closer than ever before

Perhaps one of the best time and money-saving cloud-computing advances for accountants has been the advent of hosted desktop services.

Hosted desktop technology is cloud-based and allows companies to store their data on their service provider’s servers. The reason this is so beneficial for businesses is that it means that company data and applications aren’t limited to one desktop. Because data is stored in the cloud, an entire team can access it from anywhere at any time.

Cost effective and secure

Accountants are responsible for safeguarding their clients’ financial data. In the event of computer theft or destruction at the office, how would your firm continue to operate? Hosted desktop services will ensure that no matter what happens to your desktops, laptops or office space, your clients’ data will remain safe, secure and accessible.

The future is now

As a result of cloud computing, one thing is for sure: the future of IT for accountants is rapid, reliable and secure. Want to find out how hosted desktop solutions could help you improve productivity, profits and customer satisfaction? Talk to the cloud computing experts at Green Cloud Hosting.

Green Cloud Hosting

At Green Cloud Hosting, we understand the IT demands experienced by accountancy firms. To find out how we can help your firm embrace the future of IT with our Hosted Desktop, Hosted Exchange and Online Backup cloud computing solutions, get in touch. Call 0161 979 0691 or email info@greencloudhosting.co.uk.

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