Switch to Hosted Desktop Services with Green Cloud

Office desk with keyboard, mouse and watch

The transition from a traditional IT setup to operating in the cloud might seem like a large undertaking, but it’s not. In fact, making the switch to hosted desktop services couldn’t be simpler or more rewarding. Would you like to find out more? Here are a handful of the benefits your business will enjoy if you decide to switch to hosted desktop services in 2016.

1. Increased Efficiency
Switching to hosted desktop services allows you to access your important files, e-mails and information from any device, in any location, at any time. This means that you don’t have to be at your desk to be on your desktop. Capitalise on this flexibility to reduce downtime and massively increase productivity and workflow efficiency.

2. Join the Digital Fort Knox
At Green Cloud Hosting, we take your security seriously. That’s why we use the same security technology employed by all major banks. SSL encryption, Barracuda spam and anti-virus protection, industrial-strength firewalls and data centres certified by ISO 27001 and PCI DSS mean that there’s no safer place in the world for your data.
We also offer disaster recovery and business continuity backup, and perform pre-emptive system monitoring around the clock, spotting threats before they become problems.

3. Stress Free Data Migration
At Green Cloud Hosting, we oversee the entire migration project from start to finish, completely transferring all of a client’s data within seven days. Don’t believe us? We’ve performed more than 600 seamless transitions for over 3,000 clients. What’s more, we’ll be available to provide online backup and unlimited customer support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

4. Save Money
Everybody business wants to reduce expenses, right? And there is a long list of reasons why switching to hosted desktop services makes great financial sense. Not only will you save money by outsourcing the need to buy and maintain servers, you’ll also enjoy reduced energy bills. Our dedicated support team allow you to trim your wage bill by dispensing with IT support staff, and you’ll save a packet on software too. In fact, with our transparent, affordable monthly packages, you could reduce your IT costs by up to 50%.

5. The Grass is Greener
Worried about the environment and your carbon footprint? Then going green with Green Cloud Hosting is the only logical course of action. By switching to hosted desktop services, you’ll be maximising the potential of fewer pieces of physical hardware, and reducing the number that end up on the scrapheap. You’ll also be investing in long-lasting technology and reducing energy consumption, leading to cheaper bills for you and less pollution for our environment.

How can we help?

Ditching traditional IT systems in favour of hosted desktop services is a no-brainer – what are you waiting for? To find out how Green Cloud Hosting can help your business grow, get in touch today on 0161-979-0691, e-mail info@greencloudhosting.co.uk or take advantage of our 14-day free trial!

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