Will a Hosted Desktop Save My Business Money?

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If you’re unsure of exactly what hosted desktops really are or how they can help your business save money, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this blog we’ll take a closer look at hosted desktop services and explore how they could help your business grow this year.

What is a Hosted Desktop?

Traditionally, your desktop (containing all of your software programmes, emails, contacts, files and other important information) has been located on your physical laptop, computer or other device. In an office situation, this means that every worker has their own unique desktop (and data) stored on their own individual device.

Transitioning to a hosted desktop simply means that your entire team can have access to the same data and applications – from anywhere, at any time.

Going Green with Energy Use
When you switch to cloud computing, many of the processes which would traditionally be performed by each piece of kit in your office are instantly outsourced to the hosted desktop. This means that the energy consumption demands for your business will be significantly reduced, leading to much lower electricity bills. And, because you’ll no longer need servers, you won’t need to pay costly server room rental either. Bonus!

The attractive packages offered by Green Cloud Hosting could save you as much as £ 94 per year, per server that you currently run.

Outsource Maintenance, Repair and Replacement
An added benefit of hosted desktops is that less wear and tear on your office machinery also means that it is likely to last longer. As a result, you won’t be required to replace your terminals quite so frequently.

Even better, you can leave the majority of maintenance up to your hosted desktop provider too. And in the case of a fault with one of your office machines, the data stored on the hosted desktop won’t be lost (as it would in the past), but will be easily accessible from any other device thanks to cutting-edge cloud computing technology.

No Need for IT Support Staff
Having trained and experienced IT support staff on your team can be expensive. Thankfully, with the 24/7 customer support offered at Green Cloud Hosting, you won’t need an entire team of tech experts to keep your business running smoothly. Instead, you can rely on our team to provide help as and when you need it. That’s efficiency!

Maximise efficiency
Have you ever arrived to pitch to a client and realised that your presentation was on a different computer? Not being able to access your business files when you need them is a pain and wastes valuable time.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution. Using a hosted desktop means that you and your staff can access your business data from anywhere, on any device, so you’ll never miss out on a sale again. You’ll also be able to schedule appointments, respond to queries and give accurate quotes on the move. That’s efficiency!

Give your Business Balance Sheet the Green Light
If you would like to find out more about how Green Cloud Hosting can help you with hosted desktop services, get in touch with our friendly team today. Call 0161-979-0691, e-mail us at info@greencloudhosting.co.uk, or complete a short online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!

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