What Every Business Owner Should Know About Hosted Virtual Desktops

When Hosted Virtual Desktops were first introduced to the market, they revolutionised how businesses worked. They’re a technology solution to many of an organisation’s problems.

Organisations have relied on stationary desktop computers for decades, with the caveat that workers can only do their jobs while physically present in the office. 

The expansion of businesses has been hampered by using outdated procedures that entail problems like inflexibility, the management of cumbersome IT infrastructure, and large amounts of initial capital.

However, modern businesses have adjusted their methods of operation in response to the increased mobility and adaptability that technology has afforded their employees. 

Advantages of Using Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD) for Your Company


Traditionally, workers were expected to physically show up at their workplaces every day, a requirement that consumes a significant amount of time and energy and reduces efficiency. 

Employees have had constant pressure to show up to work at the prescribed times set by the firm.

Flexibility in time and place is a crucial benefit of virtual desktops hosted in the cloud. Employees have the flexibility to choose their schedules and work from anywhere in the world, protecting precious work-life balance. 

This increases their productivity and decreases their stress levels, two positive outcomes which directly affect their job life. In addition, workers have access to individualized workstations and productivity software that enhances their ability to do their jobs.

High Security

Companies across industries have had serious data breach issues during the past few years. Important customer data is often compromised by the proliferation of cyber threats in every region. The difficulty of keeping hackers out of the servers is a major one for any business.

Single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, end-to-end data encryption, and OS hardening are some of the security features you can expect from a respectable cloud hosting provider when selecting hosted virtual desktops. Furthermore, data is constantly analysed for any suspicious activity.

Less IT Trouble

It’s never easy for a business to keep up with the complexity of constantly updating desktop computers and managing large, cumbersome servers. 

Spending a lot of time on desktop maintenance and fixing problems is a significant time commitment for IT departments.

Since cloud HVD generates desktops on external cloud servers, eliminating the need for these other solutions. Providers of virtual desktop hosting take care of all necessary IT maintenance, including desktop provisioning, upgrades, program installation, and security, so you don’t have to. 

As service providers provide the virtual desktops for your staff, you can decrease the amount of hardware kept on-site.

Cost optimisation

On-premise servers and workstations require a significant investment from businesses. The never-ending cycle of buying, supporting, upgrading, and eventually replacing old PCs with new ones costs even more.

You may get cloud hosting on a monthly or yearly subscription basis from most companies offering it. Adopting this paradigm allows you to reallocate funds from your fixed-asset costs to your operating costs. 

Because of the low entry cost and lack of required physical infrastructure, hosted virtual desktops are an excellent fit for a new company.

Business Resilience

Accidents and natural catastrophes, such as earthquakes and floods, are a constant source of concern for businesses. They have procedures to ensure operations can generally continue after such events. 

Furthermore, several companies failed during the Covid-19 outbreak because they lacked remote working facilities.

Hosted desktops allow you to keep operating in any of the above scenarios because service providers also offer disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) facility. 

DRaaS stores copies of critical information in multiple, physically separate data centres to ensure business continuity during a disaster. Consequently, you can immediately access the secondary data centre in a disaster at the primary data centre.


Today’s workplace allows for a great deal of leeway in how employees do their work. Combining Cloud-based services like a hosted virtual desktop with other Cloud-based tools can boost your team’s efficiency. 

Get in touch with Green Cloud Hosting to discuss your needs and learn more about our Managed IT services!

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