How to Ensure Your Business Data is Always Fully Backed Up

Cables being thrown in the air

Running a business has its own unique challenges. Luckily, making sure your valuable data is safe and secure doesn’t need to be one of them. With Hosted Desktop and Online Backup services, you can rest easy in the knowledge that your data and business applications are always 100% safe, secure and fully backed up.
Want to find out more? Keep reading.

Backup and replication

Have you ever had your work computer or laptop stolen? Been faced with a blank, dead screen? Or a monitor full of error messages? If so, you’ll probably have experienced that sinking feeling that comes when you realise that all of your data and applications have vanished forever. It isn’t pleasant.

The knock-on effects of lost data for businesses are huge – especially when there isn’t an effective back-up plan in place. Take a moment to think about what you would do in the event of a computer theft or complete tech breakdown.

The time and money involved in piecing together lost data and reobtaining client information is often prohibitive for small businesses. And then there’s client confidentiality to consider. What would happen if your clients’ data ended up in the wrong hands?

Hosted Desktop services

Switching your business over to a Hosted Desktop setup could be the most important step you will ever take to ensure your data is always backed up and accessible – no matter what happens to your physical laptop or desktop. Why?

As well as having access to your data and applications from anywhere at any time, both you and your clients will have peace of mind of knowing that a stolen computer or laptop won’t result in a data security breach.
When you choose Hosted Desktop services from Green Cloud Hosting, you’ll also have the added security of knowing that your data is automatically backed up across 3 UK-only secure ISO-27001 certified datacentres.
Don’t put your business at risk. Make the switch to a Hosted Desktop and enjoy the freedom and flexibility cloud computing offers.

Protect your data with Green Cloud

Your data is the foundation of your business – keeping it secure should be a priority. At Green Cloud Hosting, we don’t just talk data privacy and security- we guarantee it. If you would like more information about our Hosted Desktop solutions and Online Backup services, get in touch. Call our friendly team on 0161 979 0691 or email

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