Improve Your Legal Firm’s Scalability in One Easy Step

Laptop sitting on an empty office desk

In business, it can be difficult to accurately predict and forecast growth. As a result, it’s often easy to say what level of IT support and services you need right now, but what about next month?

What happens when several new staff members join the team? Or when you secure a new contract? How can you ensure your business’s IT model is flexible, scalable and adaptable enough to support – not inhibit – the growth of your company?

The answer lies in hosted desktop services.

Scalable software

Hosted desktop services are ideal for busy legal firms because they are incredibly flexible and can be adapted to meet your current requirements. New staff members? New clients? It’s quick and simple to add more space or users to an existing hosted desktop package. It’s just as simple to scale back following a large project too, so you won’t have to pay for services or space you don’t need.

  • Pay as you grow: When you make the move to a hosted desktop, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that your business is ready to rise to meet any challenge. With additional server capacity, updates and applications available on demand, you’ll never need to worry about whether your IT system will let you down.
  • Up-to-date technology: Is your current IT setup decades old? Is the cost of updating your system holding your company back? Cloud computing and hosted desktop services allow you to outsource your IT and hardware needs, so you can access the up-to-date services of your hosted desktop provider without having to invest thousands in new equipment.
  • 24/7 support: Traditional IT setups are expensive to run and generally require in-house IT support or costly call-outs should anything go wrong. With 24/7 technical support available directly through your hosted desktop provider, your firm can dramatically reduce expenses and focus on continued, sustainable growth.

Tailored virtual desktop hosting services

At Green Cloud Hosting, we specialise in virtual desktop hosting services for SMEs. Our packages can be tailored to suit the needs of your business as it grows, meaning you’ll never have to worry about server capacity again.

If you’re looking for a flexible, scalable hosted desktop solution, get in touch with our team to find out more about our free 14-day trial. Email or call 0161 979 0691.

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