How to offer a SECURE working from home IT solution

Person using laptop

30 days free, then from £19.99 per user per month. No set up fee.

Access all your IT, securely, from anywhere, on any device.

Gone are the days of the strict 9-5. Working from home has become the norm for many people, whether that’s flexible hours or different locations. Remote work has a range of benefits for your employees, your company and even your customers.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the benefits of working from home and how our technology can introduce it to your company.

Why offer a working from home solution?

Traditionally, companies have required employees to be in the office at certain times, but now they can now be working in another location, potentially whenever they want.
Most importantly of all, it’s on the rise. A report by Standout CV found that 30% of the UK workforce is working remotely at least once a week in 2022. The most prevalent types of flexible working are flexi-time, working from home and reduced hours. However, ‘informal flexibility’, such as leaving work a bit early for a doctor’s appointment, is also common.

While flexible working may have started in creative jobs like media and advertising, it’s now made its way over to more conservative sectors like accounting and law. In fact, a survey by the Smarter Working Initiative found that Finance is the third best sector when it comes to flexible working options for employees.


The benefits of flexible working

As you can imagine, there are myriad benefits of flexible working for employees. It gives them a better work-life balance, improves health and well-being and even has a positive impact on their relationships at work, according to CIPD. That’s paired with flexibility for their own interests, commitments and any unexpected emergencies.
However, this also has a positive knock-on effect for organisations. Having happier employees leads to better staff retention, improved engagement and loyalty, and has a positive influence on work performance. Employees are happier to go above and beyond for their employer and there’s even a better pull when it comes to recruitment.

How can we help you?

If your company works on a 9-5 basis, strictly within the four walls of your office, flexible working may seem a world away. However, there are ways to make it easier to introduce…

It’s no wonder that the technology sector leads the way for working from home opportunities. Technology is at the heart of home working. Almost every profession that allows working from home is based on a computer in some way. That means, in many cases, companies can simply provide a laptop to employees or allow them to use their own device.

The problem is ensuring a secure and reliable solution is in place. This allows users to maintain the same output on these devices. To work productively, employees need access to the same files, applications and software as they have on their work computer. They also need their work to be fully synchronized, so any changes at work or at home will be saved across all devices.

That’s where our “Hosted Desktop” can help. This allows users to securely access their whole IT system including emails, Microsoft Office, files, folders and software from anywhere, on any device. Rather than having to set up and synchronize multiple devices on each application or system, you can simply login to a hosted desktop in the same way you may log into Facebook, from any device you choose, which will have everything you need, ready to go, always saved in the cloud, NOT on the device. users can pick up where there left off with everything fully synchronized. All a homeworker needs is an internet connection.

There’s no set up fee and its fully supported by our UK support team who take care of everything from start to finish. Once it’s all set up, you get a username and password, log in and within a second, all your software, files, folders, emails are right in front of you, exactly like you’re used to.

A rapid, reliable and secure working from home solution

From £19.99 per user, per month, a Hosted Desktop makes it much easier to offer the option to work from home at your company, improving employee morale and boosting productivity. Green Cloud Hosting helps make the whole experience seamless.

We can host all your most important software like Sage and Iris, alongside crucial apps like Microsoft Office. All with the speed, security and scalability of the cloud. For more information, get in touch with our team on 0161 979 0691.

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