Our Top 10 Home Offices from Across the Globe

Working From Home

With social distancing set to be a major part of our daily routines for the foreseeable future, it seems likely that remote working will be a key component of the “new normal”.

With that in mind, it’s a good idea to create an environment in which you feel comfortable spending eight or more hours per day, not only for your productivity levels, but also for your mental health.

Here is a selection of some of our favourite home offices from around the globe which combine comfort, practicality and panache in one neat package.

The best home offices from around the world

1. The library office

Where better to work than a library? This gorgeous Colorado home office was painstakingly crafted over 2,700 hours and took more than 10,000 pieces of walnut to put together. Clearly, we’re not suggesting you need to invest a similar amount of time or money. But taking inspiration from the sleek, shiny and scholarly aesthetic of this beauty to create your own study could help you get into the right headspace for optimum productivity.

  1. The organised chaos office

Perhaps this image of a library that looks like it’s been hit by a hurricane is a more achievable goal, and its messiness is certainly not to everyone’s tastes. But there’s something about the ramshackle nature of the set-up and the almost overwhelming amount of literature that seems to breathe creativity – no wonder it belonged to a world-renowned architect.

  1. The compact office

Short on square feet? This studio office combines workspace, lounge and bedroom in one highly organised package. Despite cramming a whole lot into modest dimensions, the room still looks incredibly neat and tidy, which might be more conducive to productivity than the clutter in the previous example. Plus, when things get too much, there’s a bed on hand to provide the ideal respite.

  1. The leather-bound office

You can almost smell the heady scent of leather emanating from this stunning home office from Germany. Alongside the tanned cowhide, there’s plenty of rich mahogany in the spacious Chesterfield to complement its hazel tones, while the crystal cut tumblers and decanter and low-level candle lighting set off the look to perfection.

  1. The green office

Plants are renowned to be excellent companions for improving productivity, cleansing the air and boosting mental health, so why not fill your workspace with plenty of fauna? This breath-taking space – also from Germany – features an open-roofed skylight and an actual tree growing through it. That is likely to be beyond the budget of most home workers, but a few aloe vera and peace lilies can achieve a similar (if more modest) effect.

  1. The mobile office

If you can work remotely, why not work on the road? That’s the philosophy behind this campervan conversion, which has a bed, chillout space and office packed into the back of a transit van. The wood panelling gives it an extra touch of charm, but any sort of mobile set-up would gift the owner a similar feeling of freedom and wanderlust.

  1. The office with a view

Sometimes nature can do all the work for you. If your household happens to look out onto a beautiful vista, maximise its impact by orienting your office around it. For such lucky home workers as this Norwegian Instagrammer, it’s less about the layout or the equipment that you’re working with and more about the world onto which your window looks.

  1. The multi-screen office

Monitors overview

For conducting video conferencing calls and compiling detailed project notes based on a variety of different data, a multi-screen home office set-up can take things to the next level. If you really want to wow visitors to the workplace, search out a screensaver which spans all of the screens at once. Although at the moment, those visitors might be restricted to those you live with…

  1. The modular office

Don’t have enough rooms in your house to dedicate one as a bespoke office? Not to worry. This modular office designed by New York-based design studio Davidson Rafailidis is intended to portion off a part of your home to create an enclosed space in which you can gather your thoughts and work uninterrupted. What’s more, it also boasts environmental credentials by allowing you to only heat and light the part of your property you’re using for most of the day.

  1. The minimalist office

When it comes to working at optimum efficiency, less is more for many people. Fewer things equal fewer distractions, which is why the minimalist approach is so popular right now. This spartan set-up uses only a corner of a room but contains everything necessary to roll up your sleeves and get down to business.

Get the most out of your home office

Aesthetics are important for improving productivity, sparking inspiration and maintaining a health mental state, but they shouldn’t come at the expense of the practical nuts and bolts. No matter how you set up your workspace, it’s important to ensure that you have all the adequate tools at your disposal to reach your potential in a safe and secure manner.

That’s why a hosted desktop makes sense for those working remotely. With the ability to connect to all your professional platforms and applications from anywhere in the world and on any device, a hosted desktop makes it easy to collaborate with others, store your files in the cloud and maintain robust cyber security protocols in one fell swoop – and all without the need for any cumbersome servers or other IT hardware!

Simply connect using your laptop, phone or other internet-enabled device and enjoy access to all the latest business applications like Microsoft Office with Outlook, safe in the knowledge that your data is continually backed up and protected from the unwanted attentions of cyber criminals.

Speak to the remote working experts

To find out more about a hosted desktop solution can provide all the answer for your home office setup, get in touch with Green Cloud Hosting. You can give us a call on 0161 979 0691, drop us an email at sales@greencloudhosting.co.uk or fill out our online contact form and someone will get back to you as soon as we can. Take the first steps towards your ideal home office today.

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