What Can We Expect from Desktop-as-a-Service in the Future?

Laptop on a desk

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a great way for businesses to work faster and smarter, with a flexible, secure hosted desktop. Already, this technology is transforming businesses, allowing them to work from anywhere on any device rather than being tied to a desktop computer in one location. As time goes on, we can only see the technology becoming more popular – and even essential…

Post-digital era

According to global management consultancy firm Accenture, we’re moving towards a new ‘post-digital’ era. No, that doesn’t mean companies will revert to non-digital means. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The post-digital era refers to a time where all businesses will be digital by default. Digital will no longer be a selling point, advantage or differential for businesses. Instead, it will be a basic necessity. Any businesses that aren’t digital will simply fail to exist.

With this comes the need for a new edge. Companies still need that something special to set them apart from competitors.

DaaS in the post-digital era

So, how does DaaS fit into this post-digital picture?

In their Technology Vision, Accenture identified a number of key technology trends that will form the foundation for the post-digital era, including:

  • Incorporating technology-driven capabilities alongside existing skills and experience
  • Putting security at the forefront of the entire business ecosystem
  • Meeting customer demand as it arises, with customised experiences

DaaS solutions will be an integral part of these trends. Firstly, it’s flexible, versatile and works to your specifications, helping companies integrate new technology without hindering their existing capabilities.

On top of that, DaaS allows companies to strengthen their security. Data is stored remotely, fully-encrypted and backed-up in multiple data-centres, providing impressive redundancy.

Finally, meeting customer demands. DaaS allows your workforce to operate seamlessly, across different devices in multiple locations, to continually provide the best experiences to clients and customers.

Want to find out more?

If you want to keep your company ahead of the curve when it comes to DaaS, Green Cloud Hosting can provide the perfect solution with a free virtual desktop trial. We offer powerful hosted desktops, tailored to the needs of your workforce, with 24/7 support for your whole team. Call us today on 0161 979 0691 or email sales@greencloudhosting.co.uk.

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