The Pros and Cons of Using Hosted Desktop Providers

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  • If you run a small business, hosted desktop providers could save you a considerable amount every month on your energy bills and IT maintenance costs. There are a number of companies who provide this service, although a hosted desktop service won’t necessarily be right for every business and might not justify the costs involved. Here are some of the pros and cons of this service.Having a hosted desktop is similar to a regular laptop or PC desktop, although there are some differences. Any applications, data, files, or user profiles that you have on your computer will be kept on a secure server. This has a number of benefits, and you will be able to keep your files safe at all times – great if you run a small business.
  • Another benefit of having a hosted desktop is that you can login and access your files and documents from any device, such as your PC, laptop, mobile tablet, or smartphone – providing you with the flexibility that you need when away from the office. You will also be able to assign different user profiles to members of staff.
  • One negative for small businesses is the costs involved in the service. You will normally have to pay a monthly fee in order to use a remote desktop service, although these vary depending on the company. Other additional costs pay include access to a firewall for enhanced security protection, a spam filter, or if you want to store data using a private cloud.Shop around for the best prices for hosted desktop services, and weigh up the pros and cons when deciding to opt for this service. You won’t want to pay for any services that you are unlikely to use, so do your research and use a price comparison website or third-party review website to find out more about the hosted desktop providers in your area that offer this service.

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